Monday, November 29, 2010

First day off

Today is the first day off for my birthday. It was a nice day. I didn't get paid like I thought but it was still a good day. We hung out and relaxed. We are now laying in bed and going to watch Lost. Tomorrow I should get paid and then we will go out for a bit. Hopefully we can go out to dinner for my birthday. We'll see.

- Posted using my iPod touch

Pay day?

It's Monday morning and I haven't got paid yet. I don't think I will until tomorrow. Melissa is not going to be happy at all. Hopefully she will not be upset all day and be in a bitchy mood. I hate it when she is like that. Logan has off today so that might help a little. I am surprised that he is not awake and our here. It's about 9 am. It would be nice if I did get paid today. I hope today is not a bad day. I have off tomorrow and hopefully tomorrow is not a bad day either.

- Posted using my iPod touch

Friday, November 26, 2010

At work

Tonight at work went ok except for the fact that someone shit on the floor in the bathroom! I had to clean it up and it was nasty. Not worth 7.25 an hour to clean that up!

- Posted using my iPod touch

Not a good day

The day started off ok but went downhill real quick. We ordered lunch and everything we ordered was made wrong! Pissed me off and I had to wait for 2 hours until my correct food came. Melissa is not doing well. Something is going wrong on her computer and she can't get her videos to work. She records them using her iPod and then she had to convert them and rotate them. Well it was all working ok until today. Now it's not and she is very upset. I don't think it's just that but a bit of everything. She was throwing things and slamming things including her iPod. Not very cool especially if she does end up taking it back. Can't do that if it is broken. Not a cheap thing at all. I don't know what I can do. Nothing really, just let her go but if things keep frustrating her she'll get worse. I don't want to go to work and leave her like this cause Logan may just end up frustrating her more if he doesn't listen. Im going to have to though. I just don't know what to do. I want to help her so much, but it's very hard to do.

- Posted using my iPod touch

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today was ok. I had to work, that really sucked. I worked from 12-4. Could have been worse. Dinner was great an now we are relaxing.

- Posted using my iPod touch

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I was to go I to work tonight from 4 - close, but Anthony thought he was supposed
to work and came in, so I came home and have the night off. Nice!

- Posted using my iPod touch

So far...

Today is going good now so far. I got back from the store getting stuff for thanksgiving tomorrow. I called into work saying
I was going to be late because of family issues, I'm really staying so I can cut the turkey when it is finished. LOL Logan is on Gamecube

and Melissa was cooking and playing on her computer and is now on the phone.

- Posted using my iPod touch

Never back to school

I was unable to go back to school. Our landlord decided to be a dick and try to evict us. We have a trial on December 9th. We think we have a good chance of winning. We are very nervous and stressed though because there is a chance that we will not and we still have no place to go to.

- Posted using my iPod touch