Location:Pershing Rd,De Pere,United States
Location:Pershing Rd,De Pere,United States
Location:Pershing Rd,De Pere,United States
Location:Pershing Rd,De Pere,United States
Location:Pershing Rd,De Pere,United States
Location:Pershing Rd,De Pere,United States
This was my second day of my new employment at home. It was great. I really love doing this and it is a challenge as well. I have a lot more to do and I am looking forward to it. I was also thinking about working on it a little tonight.
Alex is staying overnight and we are watching him tomorrow aw well because his mom is working. We seem to be doing that a lot. It's not all that bad but we do end up feeding him also. We have the money too, but Melissa thinks she should just give us the car for a ll the times we have done this...and I'm sure we'll do it a lot more.
Well, I start my new job tomorrow. I am so excited. I get to program in VDS and other stuff. I am going to have so much fun and enjoy what I am doing. I don't think any job that I have had so far I liked until now.
I got a wireless keyboard for my ipad, i like it a lot and I am using it right now to write this! :-)
I also got Guitar Hero Rock Band kit for me (father's day) and Logan (birthday). The dick downstairs banged on the ceiling (our floor) so hard it shook the room. What an ass. I called the manager of the building to let him know that and that he may be getting a call because of it. He said that he will look into seeing if we can move to a first floor apartment. I don't really want to do that, it will be a pain in the ass to move all of our stuff again.
I haven't blogged in awhile, but I think this is a good one. I am starting a new job working from home! I am going to be a computer programmer using VDS! I have been wanting to do this for over 15 years. I am also going to be doing tech support and IT for customers. I am going to be flying to North Carolina in the next week or so to meat them. I officially start this Thursday. I am very excited an looking forward to it!
I am so scared. I cannot find any job, even a crappy one. I may be losing my unemployment and everything else along with it. I'm scared to lose Melissa and Logan because of it. All of this started when I got laid off from FCap and now I am unable to get back to the way things were. I just do t know what else I can do. Everyone thinks it's so easy to get a job even at a fast food place, but it's not. I have too many "skills" that they will not hire me because if I find a better job I'll quit for that one. Which I would, I need a job making good money to be able to keep up with our lives.
Logan ride his bike for the first time without the training wheels today! He did great.we are so happy for him!
Well it was really rainy and windy this morning. Melissa and Logan got soaked going to the bus stop this morning. I got a lot done on Save-It.
Melissa is starting to have bad headaches and dizziness again. She thinks it might be her hydrocephalus coming back. Hope not, but she did contact a specialist about it. We just send her records out today so we have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully it will go away and we don't have to go the hospital.
We watched insidious tonight. It was pretty cool. It scared the crap outta Logan! LOL
It's been a few days, but we had a good holiday...Easter. I need to try to convert my dislike for Christian/catholic holidays into the origin of them and make then our own Pagan holidays. Anyway, we walked down the trail to McDonalds today. Wasn't too bad. Have some bowel problems after as usual. LOL. I am working on a new program based o Keep-It called, wait for it....Save-It. LOL I actually called it Keep-Ir first knowing that the other program is long since gone, but decided to change it. I did keep the file extension of .kar for the archives.
I started watching the tv show Numb3rs. It's very good so far.
We went to wal-mart tonight, for...we for something to do. We ended up eating at DQ before we walked over to wal- mart. I got a 24 pk of sharpies, some poster bored to draw on and a 4gig flash drive to backup my programming software. Melissa got some yarn and a picture frame to put one of Logan's baby pictures in. We also got Logan a Ghostbusters game for the Wii. It was a nice evening.
I was having an issue with my trash can computer and windows 7. It was locking files so I couldn't delete them rig away. I had to wait foe like 5-10 min before I could delete or do anything with them. I downloaded a version of XP that didn't work, so i had to reinstall a 3rd time. It now finally works good. Ug, what a night.
I had a lot of work to do today. I updated the KKIBrowser with new graphics.
I also had to update InsureSign with a few items that Joe sent me in an email.
We are also trying to grow parsley in oats. Don't know if it'll work (prolly not) but it was fun to do.
Lori took us shopping at piggly wiggly today.
And then we went to her house. Melissa already saw it, but Logan and I didn't. It is way back in the woods but it is a neat log cabin. Well it really is her boy friends house. They have 2 dogs and I didn't do bad at all. I didn't have to use my inhaler once. I was happy about that.
We ordered from a new place tonight called Billoti's. It was good but it had spilled in the bag, what a mess.
So far today OS going good. I downloaded a lot of games last night for Logan to play. He is playing them right now.
I installed them on Melissa's computer also, she'll prolly play them a little later. I'm just messing around and I think I am going to start using the password card again.
We moved here to Wisconsin and so far LOVE IT!!!
Logan doesn't look too happy here on the way but now that we are here he is having a great time. Melissa met up with a friend and her daughters. Here is Logan with them at dinner.
Right before we moved we had a few issues like Melissa having brain surgery...
and having a cyst on her ovary, no pic of that. LOL
We are doing well, but are still looking for jobs, and saving for a car. We were able to get health insurance and food stamps so that will help until one of us get a job.