Monday, May 19, 2008


I don’t know how much longer I will be able to do this. I am getting tired of trying to hold us together. I don’t know if it is truly my fault, or that Her mental problems are at fault. I know that I am not perfect and there are thing that I do that need worked on, but I have done that the best that I can. Yesterday, I was working on getting more Sins 2 things on the computer for Her and I was talking to myself thinking out loud, and she said “I’m glad we are going to counseling, because you are annoying me”. I said, “what did I do?”. She said, your talking to your self, your annoying me. You have no idea how much that hurt. I wasn’t even talking to her, and I was doing something FOR her and I still managed to annoy her. I don’t want to get a divorce. Everyone around us is getting or has gotten one. I don’t want that, but I don’t know if this is going to get worked out. Either way, I’m the one going to get screwed. Even if we find out that Melissa needs more help, I have to pay for it, which is fine IF she gets better. We could end up in more debt worse than now and her not get any better. If we do split, I’ll be hit will all kind of bills and lose ½ of my stuff. She say’s she would never do that, but I think she would. I don’t feel she will be able to take care of Logan by herself. I would go for full custody. She cannot take care of him by herself.