Friday, February 29, 2008

The day after

It'll be interesting to see if my parents apologize for driving drunk
last night. I'm not really upset they got drunk, but that they drove.
Well, more my mom. She should have just stayed at Theresa's. They
don't work today so why risk it? My dad could have really hurt
himself, he might have some good marks this morning. And my mom, she
could have gotten them killed. Well that are ok but my mom better not
drink and drive again.

Work is going ok. I do have to redo some grading and add the
roundabout and keep part of the existing access off of Queen st. but
that isn't too bad.

Steve thought about letting us have a cat. We can either get new
carpet or get a cat. We are going to be able to see the apartment on
Monday or Tuesday. The we can make a choice to get the carpet or a
cat. I'm not sure what I'm leaning to. I am alergic but I really liked
having a cat, but hate having to use an inhailer. Need to think about
it more and see the existing carpet. If the carpet is bad then we will
just get carpet.

After I got home and had dinner (Melissa made she'll pasta) my dad
took me in other room and apologized for last night. That was nice and
expected, but I thought mom might do I too. She is the one that drove
home drunk.

Not fun

Tonight (will be last night) was not fun! First, after I got home we
left again and went to BK for dinner. Logan didn't do too bad there.
After that we went to Giant so Logan could play at the Treehouse.
Well, when we droped off Logan, Melissa asked if it was ok if we just
went to the cafe to sit. Well that wasn't a good thing to do. I knew
that they wouldnt allow that. The girl said that we needed to buy
someting, that is what it is for. So now we can't do that anymore. At
least I can go in the mornings before work and will have wi-fi at home
when we move. Next, we are allowed to pick out carpet for our
apartment. So we went to Lowes to look for carpet and wall paper
border. Well, it started out ok then Logan started grabbing things and
not listening. We needed to find one that we thought would work and
cheap enough not to raise the rent too high. So I was trying to keep
him occupied while melissa was talking to a guy and Steve on the
phone. So after that, we went to see Steve to get a floor plan (which
I wish he would have given us a while ago). Logan was not being good.
He was touching everything. There was a web camera that was on a tv he
was trying to get to. Steve gave him some chips to try to keep him
occupied. That only worked for a few min. I ended up trying to hold
him but he just kept moving around and trying to get down. We left and
came back to my parents. I wanted to do some work for Scott but I
wasn't able to because of Logan not listening. I ended up just copying
what I need to my USB drive so I can work on it tomorrow. I hope I can
get it finished soon so I can sent it to scott.

Well, my parents went out to my sisters for their birthday and got
smashed. I got a call from Liz saying that they were intoxicated and
that they were driving home. They were coming from Columbia PA which
is about 30 min. away. They made it home ok (my mom drove thankfully)
but my dad didn't make it to the front door. He fell a few times first
then fell trying to get in the door. I went out and had to help him up
and through the door. We got in after a few tries and I got him the
the couch. My mom wasn't as bad but still drunk. My dad then gets up
and tries to go up to their room. If I would not have helped him, he
wouldnt have made it and would have fell down the stairs. I do
remember he did this before when ibwaa little but he was usually in a
bad mood too. It was strange helping my parents when they are drunk.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The evening

Tonight (will be last night by the time I post this) Melissa had a
small breakdown. Logan was getting to her again and she let it happen.
She needs to act the way we did the other night, keep cool and keep
him in time out as long as needed and just put up with the fit until
he stops.

Well, its 10:36am and I got my first call from melissa. She I'd taking
logan outside. He started already. He got some toys out and she asked
him to pick and he refused to. She have to ask him to do it again
later. I plan on taking him to the treehouse tonight. We are going to
go to BK for dinner first. I started to really like their chicken club

I am in an insurance meeting at work, this will be interesting. It is
from 11:30am to 1:30pm, need to stay awake. :-)

The meeting went fine. We had pizza from Latuka's (sp), it was very
good. I have had it before a long time ago. When we get moved I'm we
will have to order from there.

I called melissa to ask/tell her that I added her and Logan to my
vision insurance, well she wasn't doing very good. Logan wasn't being
good so she was getting more stressed and upset. She keeps saying that
she can't do this anymore. We plan on putting Logan in daycare at the
end of march, but that is a month away. Hopefully things will get
better when we move.

Something that I am not looking forward to is going home to Melissa
upset with Logan and Logan not listening. I shouldn't have to think
about that, I don't feel right thinking that, but it is almost every
night that there is something wrong with Melissa or Logan. It is
really stressful and even more so after work. I work on tight
deadlines and hard clients, coming home to that isn't fun.

Tonight isn't bad, let's hope it stays that way.

Pus and Gray

These were our cats on AZ. We had to give them away before we left. We
miss them a lot.

Missing AZ

Missing AZ

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sum up...

Sum up...

Since I'm going back to bloging, I need to sum up what has taken place
since the last entry. We have moved back to PA. We dropped everything
and just left. There are a few people that I wish I was able to say
"by" to but that didn't happen. We got back to PA in Nov. of 2007. We
are staying at my parents for now but are moving into our own place in
about a week (first weekend in March).

Melissa admitted herself to the York Hospital on Feb 18 because of
having a breakdown. Turns out she has Borderline Personality Disorder
as well as depression and anxiety. She was discharged on Feb 21. She
is doing a little better but still needs work.

We are hoping to get Logan into an in home daycare soon. It may have
to wait until the end of March, hopefully we can get him in sooner.

We need a few things for the apt like a TV, curtins, microwave etc.
Mark C. is going to see if they can give us one of there TVs, they
have 3 of them. That would be very nice.

Last time I called home, Logan wasn't doing so well. He was not
listening and running away from Melissa. I hope that he has calmed
down and has not been in time out all this time. We are going to go to
BK for dinner. I really shouldn't be doing this because it is gas
money, but I should be ok because we are not going anywhere this
weekend, well we are going to get the mail but that not too far. I do
need to get transmission fluid for the car, need to remember to do
that tonight.

Back to Blog

I'm trying a new way to keep a journal. I am entering them in my email
and sending them to my blog. We'll see how that works for a while.

I joined the NASCAR pool at work and this past race one of my picks
one the race. Carl Edwards won the Daytona 500. Let's hope my guys
keep up the winning!

Quote by Mark Conway, "Most of my good times involve a hotdog. "

Hopefully this will not happen, but i may have to take back something.
We need more cash to get our utilities hooked up for our new apt. We
need about $200 more. I am trying to find another way, but it may have
to come to taking this back.... I really REALLY hope not. I have taken
a lot of things back before or sold. I pray that the Goddess will
help me/us through this.