last night. I'm not really upset they got drunk, but that they drove.
Well, more my mom. She should have just stayed at Theresa's. They
don't work today so why risk it? My dad could have really hurt
himself, he might have some good marks this morning. And my mom, she
could have gotten them killed. Well that are ok but my mom better not
drink and drive again.
Work is going ok. I do have to redo some grading and add the
roundabout and keep part of the existing access off of Queen st. but
that isn't too bad.
Steve thought about letting us have a cat. We can either get new
carpet or get a cat. We are going to be able to see the apartment on
Monday or Tuesday. The we can make a choice to get the carpet or a
cat. I'm not sure what I'm leaning to. I am alergic but I really liked
having a cat, but hate having to use an inhailer. Need to think about
it more and see the existing carpet. If the carpet is bad then we will
just get carpet.
After I got home and had dinner (Melissa made she'll pasta) my dad
took me in other room and apologized for last night. That was nice and
expected, but I thought mom might do I too. She is the one that drove
home drunk.