I just found out that the owners of the project that I am working on changed the site plan yet again. Not as bad as the other times, but still frustrating. Also, after doing the color rendering they did one themselves and my is getting tossed. That upsets me. I worked a lot and enjoyed making it. What ever.
Last night was ok, we had Taco Bell / Pizza hut for dinner. Forgot to watch Lost. L and didn’t record it. We’ll have to DL.
Melissa took her sleep aid and was not with it. She kept asking the same question every time she walked in the room even after I gave her an answer. She was talking like we still had Puss and Greys. She really wants a cat, but we cannot get one, and we already told Steve that we would not get one. She’s going to have a real problem with it for a while. That will be enough reason for her to want to move from here after a year.