Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Bad news

My wife had a miscarrage today. She was 9 wks.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

@shannon I'm feeling much better today. Still stuffed up. I'm using Twitter mostly now that's why I haven't posted much to Facebook.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I feel like complete shit Farris, I can't go anywhere.
WARNING!!:: Do NOT get Magick Jack. It's shit and doesn't work AT ALL!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Watching Dirty Jobs then going to watch House.
Watching 2012, so far it's very good. I'm only 2 min in. LOL
I love my son. He makes a great remote control.
@Melissa yes we are, and smart to boot. ;-)
watching "How do they do it?" with my boy. Science rules!!
Logan is watching Pink Panther cartoons and I may take a nap. I think I'm getting sick... Thanks Melissa! :-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Now watching Mythbusters. Just had icecream, Logan and Melissa are having popcorn. it's a nice evening.
Friday the 13th the original.
Watching Friday the 13th.
Watching CSI re-runs on Spike.
Watching Darkman.
Job hunting sucks and is so stressfull.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Watching the new Ghost Hunters. Very good so far!
Just put down the mouse traps, 6 of them. Hopefully this will end our problem.
Just finished cleaning the kitchen. The landloard is coming to put down mouse traps.
Watching the latest episode of V
Pissed cause we got cable but don't have wireless internet now. This sucks.
is getting cable hooked up right now! Woo hoo!! :-)
outside waiting for the boy to get home from school. The wife not feeling well...but, we are supposed to get cable tv today. :-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Watching Saw VI

Saturday, November 14, 2009

finishing up watching 1480 then may watch Twilight. Good night.
is at the Galleria Mall. Son is having icecream, wife is having nachos from TB and I am having a Mtn. Dew.
WTF is up with traffic today?! This completely sucks! I have been sitting in traffice for 20 min

Friday, November 13, 2009

Eating garlic breadsticks! Yum!
relaxing in bed! I love this time of night.

Cheap $10 camera at Wal-Mart. I needed something to take quick candid snapshots. The main cameria is Melissa's :-)
Posted by Picasa
at wall-mart eating an ice cream cone. Tired and ready to go home.
Waiting for my son to get home from school then going to K-Mart to look at baby stuff.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

waiting for my wife to finish being on the phone so we can watch Ghost Hunters.
is at the laundry mat. Fun times....not! :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is waiting for the boy to get home from school.
Pissed that the banks are closed!!! Now we have to wait yet another day to get paid. Lovely, even more fucking stress.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I don't know how much more if this is can take. Melissa is a complete bitch now that she is off her meds. EVERYTHING I do, say, the way I move, look... anything she bitches and yells at me for. Nothing I do is right and I am completely stressed out with trying to find a job, getting screwed on our food stamps and medical insurance. I don't know how the baby is going to go. If she keeps going this way someone is going to get hurt bad.

(No subject)

well, Melissa is completely off her meds and worse than ever. She is having BIG mood swings. She made me call my mom and tell her off more or less. I did NOT want to do that. My parents are all we have left, and now I don't know what's going to happen.

I am waiting to hear something from Greg Ellis about the 2nd interview which I really hope will be tonight.

We are in a very bad spot right now. I really need this job.

Chris Gingerich
Sent on the go from my Peek

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Going to the store. Have a few thing to get for dinner and need to get something for lunch.

Friday, November 06, 2009

just fell down the stairs thinking I was missing my son getting off the bus, he has 1/2 day... Wasn't his bus... Ug. Now I have a hole in my pants and a big cut on me knee.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Going to lay down and watch Ghost Hunters with his wife!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

We had a very good evening. We went to Hooters for dinner and out waitress, Alex, sat at out table and showed us card tricks. I showed her the one card trick I know also. LOL She is very cute and made the evening very fun. It was the best time we had eating out at a restaurant. I may see if I can learn new tricks and show her it the next time we go. She would be a good reason to go back besides the food. :-)

Monday, November 02, 2009

Melissa IS pregnant!! We are very excited. We are still trying to come up with names. Carissa Jean for a girl not sure what name for a boy.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Well, we still are not 100% sure Melissa is pregnant, but we have a very good feeling about it. The first blood test she had was inconclusive. She went back yesterday and took another one. They will contact us on Monday if Melissa doesn't call them first. LOL

We had a good time Trick-or-Treating last night. Logan got a lot of candy. Shane and Katy were there also.

I will hopefully have a job next week. I have another interview (although not scheduled yet) with the other partners of PDC. I'm in good hopes that I'll get the job!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Melissa took 2 pregnancy tests today and they were positive. We went to have a  blood test and we'll know for sure sometime tomorrow.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Well, now I have another interview with an engineering firm next week. It is a FT position. Ug.... I get an interview at YTI which is where I want to work but only PT then another at a place that is FT but I would only take that one because it is FT. I know I need to take the FT position, but it just sucks about the YTI one.... That's life.... sucks sometimes.... ok most of the time.
I had an interview today at YTI (York Technical Institute) to be a CADD
(Computer Aided Drafting and Design) instructor. It is something that I have
been wanting to do ever since I graduated from YTI in 1995. Only problem, is
if I get offered the job it is only PT 16 hours a week. I would be making
1/2 of what I get now on unemployment. I really want it, but I don't know if
I should take it. I can look for another PT job, I don't have a problem
doing that but finding on fast would be the problem. I could also apply for
cash assistance but again, don't know if I would qualify and if I do get it
when it would start. I have another interview again today @ 1pm with the
director of the CADD department. I don't know if I should take a chance and
take the job (if it is offered) and be able to do something I have been
wanting to do for a long time or continue to look for a FT and turn it

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We are at the eye Dr. in Hershey. Going ok. Melissa is getting here eyes dialated (sp?). There is a TV in the room and Logan was watching Scooby-Doo. We now have to wait 30 for the sys drops to fully work. Logan is getting antsy cause he wants to go to Chocolate world.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am so thankful for my wife and son. Without them I would have nothing and be nothing.

Job interview

I just got a call a few minutes ago... it was to set up an interview with YTI! It is this Thursday the 22nd at 9am. I am very excited about, but I need to calm down. I don't want to get my hopes up. Ever since I graduated from there I wanted to be an instructor. I do hope I get this job, not just because I have been wanting to teach there but I also need a job. It would be great. I know I'll be very nervous, but I'm looking forward to it. Getting this would also help me get over talking in front of a group of people. I have done it before, but I have been very nervous, and that is how I got past it. I did good while I was nervous. I want to be calm and be used to doing that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Was watching Family Gut with Melissa. Going to bed right now.... Well going to watch a little of Castaway first. Logan got a green check today and got a 5th bulldog bark. He got to pick a prize. He picked a think to look through and it make you see like a fly.
sitting in bed playing Island Paradise. My head hurts again... Oh joy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Computer problems today. Ug. Need to spend the morning fixing it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I contacted someone that I haven't talked to in over a year. I don't expect a reply. I am just playing around and watching Elegant Universe, very cool show.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Well, today started off great... Ok not really. Life just really sucks right now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We are on our way to visit a friend of Melissa's that moved here from Az.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Playing Matrix with Logan
Got Logan off the bus and went to Giant to get more Dew and got Logan a lunchable. I took the tent down in Logan's room and now we are playing Matrix.

Monday, October 12, 2009

today was not bad. Julie lied to her husband about going to Atlantic City and went to see some guy in VA that she went to school with or something. She told me that she would never cheat on him, but I don't know it I beleave that. Melissa hung out with her today and Logan and I went to my mom's. We went to a park for a little and and watched Anne (the remake). Melissa and Julie were waiting at my mom's house because Melissa forgot to take her keys with her. Julie left and we went to Weis to get dinner and ended up getting more. We are now home and I am listening to music then going to watch House.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A little excitment outside. 2 cops pulled over a girl, I guess nothing bad as the one cop left after a few min.
Today was not so bad. We went to the Park City mall and it wasn't too bad. Logan was complainng a good bit then we found the play area in the food court. He loved playing there. We got a new dining roon table that was free next door. It is very nice. Now Melissa has her own table for her makeup. I am now watching House and Melissa is watching some movie called Bruno. It is about a gay guy and from the few minutes I saw it looked really nasty and gross.
We found a play area here at the Park City mall in the food court. Logan is having fun.
I'm sorry, but I really hate small talk. When I go to a store, I just want to get my stuff and leave, not chat about the day or something neat that I am using. If I need to, like at a social event or at a job, but other than that leave me be please.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I am watching Good Eats with Logan in a tent set up in his room. He love it.
I am still trying to watch

Friday, October 09, 2009

This is my current desktop. Windows 7 with Stardock Fences and Rainlender.

Sum up

Ok, well it's been a while since my last post. Let's see. I was laid off on Aug 18th, 2009 and I am still unemployed. I was enjoying the time off, but I really need to find a job. I have been looking a lot and nothing. Logan is doing ok in school, he got one red check and one strike. That's better than last year. Melissa found a new friend, Julie. She is nice but needs to stop hitting on other guys and stick with her family. If she is not happy, then she should just leave instead of messing around. As for me, I feel like I have done nothing. I wanted to make a difference. I have made a difference in Melissa's life and in Logan's life and that is great. I want to make a difference to others. I would love to get a teaching job at YTI. I would be able to help others and I would have an effect. I remember my teachers there and that's what I want. I would love to be able to make a kick ass program that people everywhere use, but I don't think that will ever happen. I guess that's just something I'll have to live with.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Work and Scott G.'s babys

Well, Scott G. is off for the next 2 weeks. His wife is having a C-section today @ 3pm. I now have all his work and am the only CADD guy in the building for the next 2 weeks. This is either going to be hell or really slow.Chris's posterous

Monday, June 22, 2009


Well, another week starts. No work again so far today. I am listening to Fight Club audio book I borrowed from the library. Hopefully it'll help the day go faster.Chris's posterous

Friday, June 19, 2009

Slow day....again

Notthing to do again. I got into Frets on Fire. It's Guitar Hero for the computer. Very fun!Chris's posterous

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Go Green

Live long and prosper. Go green!Chris's posterous

My new ink.

Chris's posterous

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey there...

Yup, another crappy day. Waiting to go home and be with the fam. Melissa seems to be doing better taking it day by day.Chris's posterous

Monday, June 15, 2009

Another week begins...

Melissa is still in pain. The meds do seem to be working, but slowly. Hopefully she'll see better results soon.
Another weeks starts with nothing to do. Just sitting here watching Star Trek TNG again. I am going to try to find work and see what more I can do with Civil 3D but with Amanda gone and the IT guy not around for another 3 weeks I can't even try to set up vault. Looking like a slow week...again.
Sent on the go from my PeekChris's posterous

Friday, June 12, 2009

So very bored...

Again today nothing to do. I have tried to keep busy but that's not easy.Chris's posterous

Very tired..

What a day yesterday. Had a lot of running with getting Melissa's meds and getting her to the Dr. and having to do some wash and get some food, ug. Melissa still has pain, but she got some good meds so hopefully she be all good soon.Chris's posterous

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Got to bed at...

around 2-3 am. Still very tired. Going back to bed. Called off work todayChris's posterous

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Wa are still waiting! There are 4 more people in front of us. Hopefully it'll go fast so we can go inside and wait longer for a doctor! Ug...Chris's posterous

Still here...

We are still waiting to be seen. We are still in the waiting room. Ug, hope she gets in soon.Chris's posterous

At the hospital...

Melissa is having bad pain in her left arm and there are lumps in her arm pit. She set up a dr. apt for tomorrow but it got so bad that we came here.Chris's posterous

I was just told...

that I was the master graphic artist by Amanda. I assume that is a complement.Chris's posterous


Well, still no work. I'm listening to Riverside and was working on a T-Shirt design for a contest. I have 2 done, not sure if I'm going to make any more. Now, just going to wait until lunch... today, Hardee's.Chris's posterous

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Melissa got a little frustrated at Logan because he was talking back and not listening. I took logan to chick-fil-a-for dinner and walked a little at the West Manchester Mall.Chris's posterous

Nice comment...

I see our Mailman (in this case MailWoman) almost every day @ lunch and we say "Hi" as we pass. She also delivers the mail to my work. Well, today she saw me at work and said she has been wanting to tell me that I look like Jim Carrey. I have never been told that. I think that was ment as a complement.Chris's posterous

Redbox Codes

I use RedBox a lot and really like it. I thought I'd share some codes
with yall!
REDBOX - 67%
3PZRC6P - 40%
RED BOX - 50%
R2D2 - 22%
M6FR97 - 38%
DM5FN45 - 33%
C65QFP4 - 20%
J89LA2 - 39%
JAWAD - 50%
PKF2V6Q - 25%
JASPER74 - 20%
DVD4ME - 18%
4CW33N - 40%
4CWWKFH - 40%
4HYVEE5 - 30%
K6NWXTF - 33%
HANIJU - 14%
MMM401 - 20%
KK4VR3T - 33%
TEAM - 33%
M2G3RV4 - 40%
2SFWSGP - 50%
9863 - 25%
DAMION - 33%
UMUHCX - 33%
Z2VRN32 - 50%
PROMO - 33%
X2DXQTZ - 40%
BR - 33%
ZQVZZP6 - 25%
DVD4FREE - 20%
TWHZDF5 - 50%
5R6D5T5 - 50%
ZHZ6P5J - 50%
ROCKSTAR09 - 20%
JOSE - 33%
GGN3FZS - 50%
GZ3GNZD - 50%
BT73H9 - 47%
3WG4QSV - 50%
ALYSSA - 33%
5HYVEE5 - 50%
JGD7QZN - 33%
6W2C7P7 - 33%
6A43JK - 50%
JULIUS - 25%
TURKEY - 33%
MCDLEX55 - 33%
DNR&MVIE - 33%
R7TH2K8 - 33%
0000000 - 20%
MAYDAY - 25%
QQ7GN3R - 33%
NHP6GKN - 50%
HZFT233 - 40%
123GOGETER - 33%
4KRJRMR - 33%
972YKL - 33%
DGN2MP7 - 33%
RH67RD5 - 50%
FJN63PZ - 50%
VWWQ562 - 50%
473345N - 50%
KHXZG34 - 33%
10130312506 - 50%
FM63H7 - 57%
BAMBIF - 33%
MCD5BEV - 20%
FG12G5 - 33%
72TTKJZ - 33%
DEVRY6268 - 69%
SEXY16 - 50%
RONW2 - 33%
BOXRED - 33%
MJX2J3G - 33%
MC6AF39 - 100%
BUTTMUNCH009 - 100%Chris's posterous

My desktop today

I used to use Fences by Stardock but I cannot have it installed on my
work computer so I created my own fences using a wallpaper and
rectangles using Photoshop. I added icons to the middle of each to give
some type of designation as to what to put in those areas. The calendar
in the corner is an app that I made to add a calendar to an image then
apply it to the desktop.
Chris Gingerich
First Capital Engineering
48 S. Richland Ave.
York, Pennsylvania 17404
Fax: (717)852.7891
First Capital Engineering makes no warranties, expressed or implied,
concerning the accuracy of the information contained within any document
transmitted or reviewed by computer or electronic means. You are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this
communication beyond it's intended purpose is strictly prohibited unless
specifically granted by First Capital Engineering. If you have received this communication in error, please reply to us
immediately, then delete this Transmission AND IT'S ATTACHMENTS.

Chris's posterous


It smells like cat pee in the reception area!Chris's posterous

Monday, June 08, 2009

Found out...

that most everyone was invited to the wedding except the CADD department. Not that I would have gone, but what a b1tch.Chris's posterous


I'm now watching Push. looking forward to tonight. Hope we can get something to eat there. Hopefully the pawn shop will take our stuff.Chris's posterous

Right now

Chris's posterous

What to do today...

Well, I had a little work that took about 1 hour. Now I'm creating a new postcard for Amanda. Oh joy. I'll try not to fall asleep.Chris's posterous

Sunday, June 07, 2009

To church today

We went to the Nature Church today. It was a nice time. We met new friends and are going to go to a Faery Masquerade. Just me and Melissa. I am looking forward to it. Hopefully this is the start of a great new begining.Chris's posterous

Saturday, June 06, 2009

We had a good time...

at the park. We should have brought the camera, but we forgot it. After the park we went to Michael's then to Wal-Mart to walk around. Now we are home and it feels good to lay down and relax.Chris's posterous

We are @

a park. Logan got a child ID badge taken. Good day so far.Chris's posterous

We are off to...

my mothers work. They are having a king of carnival there. We are not really supposed to go because Logan was not very good last night, but we gave in.Chris's posterous

Friday, June 05, 2009


Ocean's 11. Good movie. I rented a movie fron the Red Box @ Giant. Don't remember what it's called. It's a horror flix. The cover looked neat. Will post about it after I watch it.Chris's posterous


Ocean's 11. Good movie. I rented a movie fron the Red Box @ Giant. Don't remember what it's called. It's a horror flix. The cover looked neat. Will post about it after I watch it.Chris's posterous

At the parents house

We decided to visit my parents tonight. It was a nice evening.Chris's posterous

New info on yesterday's news

I found out that Mark was fired because of performance issues and not because of the economy.Chris's posterous

What to do...

Now that Mark is no longer working here, not sure what is going to happen with our NASCAR pool. He was the backbone of that. Have to wait and see.Chris's posterous

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Take care Mark...

After about 10 years Mark Conway was fired from First Capital Eng today @ approx 4:15pm. I really think someone was complaining about him. I think I know who as well *cough* Jerry *cough*. It is going to be interesting over the next few weeks. Not sure how things are going to work out.Chris's posterous

I don't beleave it.

Mark was just fired!!!Chris's posterous


Mark was just called upstairs by John. John didn't seem too happy.Chris's posterous

I was just thinking...

I was completely screwed over by trying that Amway crap. I was on my way to getting a deploma for private invistigation and I stopped that to do Amway. Now because I did that (and we are no longer doing) my PI schooling is screwed. I really wanted to do that very bad. I was getting good grades and doing very well. That went into the shitter. That pisses me off!Chris's posterous

Today's wallpaper

Chris's posterous

Very hungry and ready for lunch

I am looking forward to leftover pasta for lunch. Starting to get a headach because I'm so hungry.Chris's posterous

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Day 1, still tired from the move...

"Still no sign of land. How long has it been?"
"3 days, sir."
"3 days! I don't think we can last much longer." "Well then, I think you should eat me."
"Eat you sir!? I'd rather have Hoddges."
"Why? There's plenty of meat here! Look at that arm!"Chris's posterous


This is what I am working on today.

Chris's posterous

Sad setback...

We will be without internet, cable and phone for a little while. I still have email and I'll be able to access internet at work and the library once and a while. I can easily keep everything updated via email so at least I can do that. It'll be a little frustrating for a while but hopefully we can make it through this alive!Chris's posterous

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Watching a movie...

We are watching Back to the Future III. After, Logan is going to bed, Melissa will watch Nancy Grace and I'll watch my own shows. Prolly Star Trek TNG again.Chris's posterous

Wallpaper at work

This is my current wallpaper on my desktop at work.

Chris's posterous

Lunch was great

I had left over wings and fry's from Hooters! Heated in the oven, yum yum!Chris's posterous

another dull day

yep, nothing to do again today. I'm playing cards and listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket. This is really getting frustrating. For about a month I have had only about a total of 24 hours that I had anything to do. That is only %10 of work for the month.Chris's posterous

Preview of the newsletter

Chris's posterous

Today I'm going to be working on...

I'm going to be working on a newsletter for my employer. Not sure what
it's going to have Because amanda Is noT here yet to let me know what
the Content will be. I just have to wait until sHe get's in to work
today.Chris's posterous

Monday, June 01, 2009

Had a good night tonight.

After work we went to AC Moore and then to Logan's fav place to eat... Hooters! We got him a T-Shirt.

Chris's posterous

BK for lunch...

It has been a long time since we had BK, and it kicked ass! Thanks @melg79 for dropping it off. I'm looking forward to tonight... after dinner. ;-)Chris's posterous

Just waiting...

So I'm sitting here waiting until I can clock out for lunch. Yes, I need to clock in/out. This is the first engineering firm that I worked for that I had to do that. There are only 3 people including myself that clock in/out. Everyone else doesn't have to.Chris's posterous

Soooo bored.

I'm sitting here listening the Sweeny Todd and trying to look busy. Very hard to do while trying not to fall asleep.Chris's posterous

Another day w/o work.

Still have no work. Trying to find something to do to keep me busy. Melissa has a job interview today and she has to take Logan with he. Good thing it is at a daycare. I hope it goes well.Chris's posterous

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Star Trek TNG. Yes again. I have all the seasons.Chris's posterous

Logan's girlfriend

This is the little girl Logan called his girlfriend for the few hours he was playing with her at Springettsburry Park. He was very sad when she had to leave. He kept saying he was going to miss her.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Chris's posterous

Save the clock tower!!

Save the clock tower!!

Chris's posterous

Logan's little girlfriend

Logan found a little girlfriend and asked her if she would be his girlfriend. She said yes. So cute. :-)Chris's posterous

At the park again.

after doing our wash, we went to Target and had some lunch. Logan wanted to go back to the park that we were at yesterday. The Springettsburry park. It's nice and cool.Chris's posterous

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Crapp pics or our crappy apartment

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Chris's posterous


Good Eats. My fav food network tv show!!Chris's posterous

Know what's at the fair...

The 2nd Annual Wine and Music fest. Would be neat to go, but don't have tickets and I don't think Logan can drink wine. :-)Chris's posterous

Going for a walk

I am a little bored so I decided to go for a walk. Something is going on at the York fair so I think I might wander in and take a look.Chris's posterous


Watching Star Trek TNG. Yep, I'm a G33K.Chris's posterous

Pics from the park

Here are pictures from the park.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Chris's posterous

How could I forget Spankwoman

Ah, memories. Spankwoman and Killer Instinct... Good times...LOLChris's posterous

We are at the park...

We are at Springettsburry park. It is very nice. We are going to have to come here more often.Chris's posterous

We are at @melg79 's fav store.

We are at Ulta, melissa's fav store. A little dull for me, but she likes it and having fun looking so it's cool. We my go to the park for Logan if is a good listener in the store.Chris's posterous

At the mall

We are at the Galleria Mall in York, Pa. Just walking around.Chris's posterous

Day two with new car!!

Well, it's day 2 with the new car. We have a few things we wouls like to do. First, need to do some laundry! Then we are going to take a drive to where Melissa has a job interview so she can find it easier on Monday. The was are going to look for the nature church. After that stuff I think we are going to go to the mall. All this would have been very hard to do w/o a car. It's so nice to have one again.

Chris's posterous

Friday, May 29, 2009


At work for the rest of the work day. I have nothing to do, so I temporarly hijacked the laptop in the upstairs conf. room to surf the net for photoshop tuts and such.

Chris's posterous


We are home now. I have to go back into work @ 1. Happy it's Friday!!!

Chris's posterous

We got the car, but...

We got our car, but had a little bump. They ran our card and it was declined! I was (still am a little) pissed. Turns out that iTunes just now took $20 out from a purchase that I made over 3 weeks ago. Ug.. We had to use 20 from out grocery money to put into it. We are tight on money for foood. Hopefully we can make it stretch for 2 weeks.Chris's posterous


Standing here out front waiting for my mom to pick us up to go get our car. I don't feel very well today. Feel dizzy and sick in my stomach. Would like to stay home, but I can't. Ug!Chris's posterous

We are getting our car today!

We are just about to leave to got pick up our car. We are getting a Jeep Cherokee. I'll upload a pick sometime today.Chris's posterous

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Talk about good times! From the chair to the bed, Oh Yeah.. :-D *the wall breaks and the kool-aid man comes through*Chris's posterous

Just finished...

Just finished another song called Silence. This is fun and relaxing.Chris's posterous

(No subject)

I'm out of work again now. Playing solitaireChris's posterous


The guys here are against saving the environment. They call us environmental nuts. Yeah well, I'd say something about them but I'm not going to stoop to their level. *cough* dicks.Chris's posterous

Music, and drama at work...

Well, if you listened to any of my music I hope you liked it. I a planning on making a CD. I'll post when I get it finished.
My one co-worker was about 10 min late because he had to wait for the bus to pick up his son for school. As soon as he got here the Bitch was on his case for not calling ir in. R U kidding? 10 min late? He is here until 530 or later every night and others leave @ 430-445 and nothing is said to them. If something else is said to him, he may quit.Chris's posterous

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another song - Gainway

Download now or listen on posterous
Gainway.MP3 (1960 KB)

Only one comment?! Well at least it was a good comment. (Thanks Sean) Here is another one, this one is called Gainway. It is faster more rockish, but still Ambient. 

Chris's posterous

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Need musical opinion.

Download now or listen on posterous
Jungle.MP3 (7592 KB)

I am trying my hand an making music. This is one of 6 so far that I have done.  It's Ambient music and It's called Jungle. Please listen and let me know what you think. Thanks!

Chris's posterous

Tree stump

Chris's posterous

Looks like I got screwed over again

I requested to have off 1/2 day Friday morning, but it doesn't look like I was approved. The (insert 4 letter word here) sends out a week overview of what people are working on and who has time off. I'm not on it for time off. It could be that she forgot to put it on. She is a great big (insert another 4 letter word here) and I wouldn't be supprised if I'm not approved.Chris's posterous

Good morning. Let's see what today brings.

Well, another "work" day today. I think I'll have some work today, although not much. We'll see how it goes.

Chris's posterous

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just finished...

Watching The Simpson movie.Chris's posterous

Just finished watching...

I just finished watching Sweeny Todd. It was a very good movie. Jonny Dep sang very well as well as the other actors. I am pleased with it as I didn't think I would like the movie.Chris's posterous

Thinking about breakfast...

My wife made eggs and toast for me and my son for breakfast. Now, I used to eat eggs for breakfast a lot when I was younger. Now, I can only eat them IF I am real hungry and I don't think about it. Not to be nasty, but knowing eggs are unborn chickens... Ug, it is hard to eat and does make me a little sick. I know it's not too much different from eating meat, it's sometimes hard to do that too.Chris's posterous

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another great band Tool - Aenima

Aenima by Tool  
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Tool - Aenima.mp3 (9368 KB)

Another great band Tool - Aenima

Chris's posterous

Watching The Day the Earth stood still

watching...The Day the Earth Stood StillChris's posterous

Pictures from our picnic. 2009-05-23

Pictures from our picnic. 2009-05-23

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Chris's posterous

Pictures from the York Revs ball game that got rained out...

Pictures from the York Revs ball game that got rained out...

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Chris's posterous