Monday, April 28, 2008

The weekend

This weekend wasn’t the best. Let’s see…Her bra wasn’t clean so she asked me to go do the wash and take the books back to the library. Not a problem, I had a good time with The Boy. She was in a bad mood right when she woke up. She got some new meds from the Dr on Wed. She didn’t take any on Thursday to see what would happen I know why she didn’t take them, but not going to go into that. I could tell that she didn’t take them and I did say something. That was a mistake. She got upset because I could tell or something. Anyway, She was yelling at me Sat morning for different things, not really sure what. I was glad to get out so Loan didn’t have to hear her. Well, I thought when we got back she would be in a better mood, wrong again. Right as I got up the stairs from bringing the wash in, she started yelling again. Again, I’m not sure what I did, but to her, it was bad and she was swearing and calling names. Logan does not need to hear that, I told her to keep her voice down so he couldn’t hear it, but she didn’t listen. After a while, she fell asleep on the bed. I was happy about that. Logan and I were able to get some quiet time.


Sunday was ok, nothing bad happened thankfully.


We hopefully will get the rebate check today. We are looking forward to that. I’m sure once I get what I want, It’ll come up in the future and I’ll be made to feel guilty and take it back…yet again for the millionth time. I really hope not though, as usual. She’ll bitch about it sometime, even though she is getting a camera.